On Friday 15 November, Dr Amy Edginton an Outreach Officer from UCL, came to Habs Girls to explain what studying Earth Sciences as a subject really means. Tori in Upper 6 writes about the visit.


During her talk Dr Edginton showed us some different rock samples, before explaining the story told by each piece and what we could find out about our past and possible future from the simplest of rocks. Such as fossilised sea creatures found atop mountains, giving us clues about how and when the mountain itself was formed. 


She then highlighted some of the many uses of understanding the earth as a complex system in today’s world. The understanding of our planet’s inner workings allows us to combat climate change and predict natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And the study of our climate can explain how our planet has recovered from extremes of temperature in the past. We can then apply these ideas to the wider solar system to discover how other planets were formed, what is happening on these alien worlds and what it means for the small strange blue rock we call home.