The Habs Poet Laureate, Anjali, has composed this poem about our recent Carol Service.  We think it’s rather lovely.


Sewing Haberdashers


Green as a seed, footsteps thread through the city

like runners, Habsgirls sprigs like mint flowering

in little fragrant clumps, drifting, eddying,


a ripple in backwards motion.

Pull the seams tight and the circles

suck in their breath and


London crumples into St Martin’s fist.

A church blooms green, a knot of thread,

stark like waterlily-lips planted on a water-grey cheek.


The silence is thick, powdered sugar

on your tongue, sweet, curled with waiting.

Dry whispers cling to the walls and thicken like cobwebs.


Fifty years condensed to a drop, the pregnant swell of a note

thundering, thickening yellow in the white eggshell.

Wake O wake, flower, ripple, kiss the syrupy history floating by


Just as sweet, just as green, a humming stream

pooled to a shared heartbeat thumping

through the city’s stitched streets.