At the end of last half term, Year 4 took heroically to the stage in ‘Go For Gold’, an Olympics-inspired musical comedy about reaching your goals and striving to be the very best you can be. They rose to the challenge, rehearsing for just 30 hours over a three-week period, seamlessly passing the baton between them and alternating from scene to song with ease and enthusiasm. Thanks to a great team of staff and pupils working behind the scenes and in the lead up the performance, the show was super slick. We were so lucky to have a seven-strong team of expert year 6 choreographers, who put a huge amount of thought into creating movement for each song. The play looked fantastic thanks to our Art teacher and fabulous costume team, and all this has been captured by our photographer.

Staff made props for the production, which ranged from scrolls to a giant cow! Staff backstage, and during rehearsals, helped to ensure the pupils were ready to make their entrances, as well as assisting with the putting on of various beards, hats and comedy glasses! Our lighting and sound technician was on hand throughout rehearsals and in the performance to add the finishing touches.

The pupils worked tremendously hard, and the audience response to the show was a testament to Year 4’s determination and commitment, not to mention comic timing. As part of the lyrics to their final song, they sang, “Test yourself to the limit, find out what you can be,” and each pupil did exactly that.


Quotes from pupils

‘Ever since I started Year 4, I had wanted to do the play straight away’

‘I was so scared I would mess up or do a dance move wrong but in the end it turned out to be the best show ever!’

‘I enjoyed watching everyone perform and learned a lot from many different people’

‘My costume was awesome’

‘Before the performance, I could tell that everyone was quite nervous but it was still amazing!’