As the country was having its say yesterday Habs Girls held its own mock General Election. Information on the main parties’ manifestos were shared on screens as students entered assembly on Wednesday and a hustings event took place where Upper 5 and Sixth Form students defended and debated each party’s strategy for the future direction of the country.

In what might be considered somewhat of an understatement, the view of Habs Girls’ staff and students didn’t quite mirror that of the electorate as a whole, with the Liberal Democrats securing a comfortable winning margin and 44% of the total votes cast. The Conservatives were the second largest party with 31%. The Greens were a distant, but respectable, third with 13% and Labour fourth on 9%. The Brexit Party and UKIP received a handful of votes each.

One thing is for certain – the young people who took part in this election will be looking to our new Government to provide answers to questions surrounding our country’s position in the world in these uncertain times and leadership in the face of the global climate crisis. After all, it will be them who will cast their votes for real the next time the country returns to the polls.