We are already in trouble. The stability we all depend on is breaking. This story is one of inequality, as well as instability. Today, those who’ve done the least to cause this problem, are being the hardest hit. Ultimately, all of us will feel the impact, some of which are now unavoidable.

My world is melting.


These are the words of Sir David Attenborough, speaking on the opening day of COP26 last week in Glasgow, and the opening of Mr Sabato’s assembly to the senior school this morning. Mr Sabato outlined some of the key themes and discussions emanating from the UN Climate Change Conference and challenged students to engage with the vitally important arguments that are currently playing out at the event.

This week the Thought of the Day presentations shared in forms each morning will provide more points for discussion about key issues to do with the environment and climate. Miss Sabrina Nanji, Head of Geography, has organised a talk by Matthew Bateson, who is ARAMCO Oil’s Head of Sustainability on Wednesday evening. The talk is titled Balancing ambition and action on climate change with current lifestyles and consumption; all students are encouraged to attend and follow-up discussions are planned for later in the week. On Friday morning our Environment Prefect will be leading The Platform assembly in conjunction with PolSoc, focusing on your role in contributing to solutions to the climate emergency.

There is a huge amount going on across the school community, with further plans and discussions happening about what more we can do as a school throughout the academic year.