This week we begin to welcome back Lower 6 students for a day of lessons and one-to-one meetings with teachers and form staff. Although remote learning continues to be the main method of teaching in the Senior School we were able to meet with about a quarter of the Lower 6 at a time before other similar-sized groups attend school later in the week. Mrs Winton, Deputy Head (Pastoral) commented to Lower 6 in an email last week:

We are all so excited that you are going to be returning to school during the next few weeks and we look forward to seeing you. If you are at all anxious about coming back from a health and safety point of view… please don’t be and we hope that you enjoy your real live lessons and time spent for 1:1 sessions. From a wellbeing perspective, I really hope that you have been able to reflect on the many positives that have come out of Lockdown and hold on to them as life gradually returns to the ‘new normal.’ Enjoy your days back in school and please say hello if you see us! We have really missed you!

Plans are underway to bring Middle 5 students back into school for contact sessions with their form group. We also hope to be able to welcome back other years in our Junior School to join Rainbow, Year 1 and Year 6 who are all enjoying being back at school.