Written by Lexie (U4 Aesc)

April saw an extremely exciting event for Habs Drama, and it was none other than Grimm Tales, the 2024 Middle School play. The cast, who were picked from a talented line-up of over 130 auditionees, dedicatedly worked their way through three months of rehearsals, bringing new confidence and style to each story. 

The play itself was an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm Tales, with creative developments being added to it after every rehearsal, the finished script became a truly original version of those stories. The show consisted of four sub-tales: Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and 1000 Furs. Each tale hooked the audience with its imagery and unique finesse. I was lucky enough to be a member of the creative team for the play, working as an assistant director. Even though I was giving my ideas, the cast took on those suggestions in their own way. Hansel and Gretel was directed by two Year 10 students, Ella (M5 A) and River (M5 A), who were working towards their Silver Arts Award.


The play started with a beautiful song before the show ensued. Props from the Habs archive were used to fill the stage with the cast’s vivid imagination as they interpreted the props with flair, whether it be a lacrosse stick used as a tree, a rug beater used as a spoon or even a wheel used as a bowl. The innovation and originality of this play made it distinctive and unique each time it was performed. The actions and movements were captured brilliantly by three of Habs’ own musicians, who arranged most of their music themselves and it was a sure highlight to have some live music performed. 

The cast worked hard in preparation for the shows, and the effort was clear to see as all three performances were met with rousing applause and were a success.  

Thank you to Ms Deamer, Mr Shorey and Mr Janes for all their support before and during the performance, especially regarding the costumes and technical demands. However, a massive thank you must be given to Mrs Wallace, who without, the play would never have happened! They worked tirelessly and it surely was a performance to remember. 

Written by Tilly (L5 Aesc)

From the draft scripts at the first rehearsals to the eager buzz before each show, Grimm Tales was an amazing experience filled with wolves, cloaks and so much fun. With so many people involved, and many different stories being performed, you would expect the show to be impossible. However, with a lot of dedication from the cast and crew along with a lively rehearsal process, soon enough the script we had been reading just a few weeks earlier begun to take shape. Throughout the whole experience, we developed more skill and confidence, leading us to give maximum effort when we finally performed the show to an audience, which they seemed to enjoy from the chuckles and the joyous applause we received. This production enabled us to showcase the talent of our Habs community: the actors, singers, dancers and musicians.  

My favourite part was the chaotic quick changes in the wings during 1000 Furs – I had approximately 10 seconds to put on an apron-like gown over my costume before I needed to be onstage again, and even less time to take it off to put on the very heavy fur cloak I wore throughout the story! The experience was one to remember and we are all so happy we were able to be a part of the magic and excitement of Grimm Tales. 

This play would not have been possible without the amazing Mrs Wallace and her commitment to the students, motivating us with a “Huzzah!” every so often. Mrs Wallace, Mr Janes, Mrs Deamer and all the backstage team are also to thank for their support throughout the production. We are so grateful for their efforts in making the play perfect.