In this edition in our series of features highlighting the generosity and kindness of the Habs Community we turn the spotlight on Sonal Dhadphale, Learning Support Assistant in the Junior School.  We asked Sonal what she was doing and why.

“Helping and supporting the NHS is a cause that is very dear to me for many reasons, however, in the current pandemic, I feel even more strongly that we all need to do what we can to help the very people who care for us all. The hospitals resemble warzones and the NHS staff are the troops that are trying to win the war.  The frontline staff are risking their lives every single day to look after the the exceptionally sick and dying in our community. The staff are on their knees and totally overwhelmed. At its core, this situation is heart‐breaking.

In the first week of this third lockdown, a request made by a doctor highlighted the plight of the staff at the Royal Free Hospital which moved me to want to do something to help.  As such, I am now actively involved helping with two NHS initiatives in parallel as we help each other to get through this crisis.

  • Set-up a fundraising page, “Be a Hero, Help the NHS” ( to buy food (pick-me-ups), drink and toiletries for staff in some of the hospitals across London – in a week, thanks to the generosity of friends and family, I have raised over £2,500 enabling me to do my first shop of £1,150 last Saturday for the Royal Free Hospital.  Additionally, I have also received large donations of food which have been delivered to the staff at the Royal Free, Homerton Hospital, Barnet Hospital, Great Ormond Street and North Middlesex.
  • Volunteering with “You Donate, We Deliver”, I am the Golders Green Hub Leader where I collect “snacks to go” at my home for the Ambulance and Paramedic staff in London and Hertfordshire.  Together with my family, we have also become a part of their sarnie army making sandwiches every weekend.

I have been overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness and generosity, every donation made will make a huge difference to the very people who look after all of us.  I truly believe, together we are stronger.”