Now more than ever, it is important to provide opportunities for pupils to be active whilst focusing on remote learning. To help support this, the PE department are holding various online workshops, extra-curricular clubs, and activities to move students away from their screens giving opportunities to exercise body and mind.

Here’s what you should expect to see:

As part of their dance curriculum, Upper 4 students learn and perform Bollywood. During the first two weeks of remote learning, the entire Upper 4 participated in online video calls where they learnt the set part of the routine. Two of their PE lessons a week are committed to rehearsing, refining and developing their piece.

Similarly, throughout the month of January, every Lower 5 – Upper 5 student will participate in Zumba workshops. These sessions are approximately 45-60 minutes long and have students out of their seats, moving to the music with their classmates.

The PE department offer three weekly extra-curricular clubs which are open to all year groups. These clubs have been successful with over 40 students attending and maintaining a form of exercise for 45 minutes.

If students would like to stay active in their own time, regular posts are made on the PE Instagram account.   These are daily exercise challenges which any year group can do whilst at home.  In order to connect with students in every possible way, these are also posted on Microsoft Teams – there is no excuse to be sedentary all day!

Here’s a video the PE department made to promote the after school clubs.

It goes without saying that physical activity increases wellbeing and has a positive effect on mental health – there is no excuse to remain sat behind a screen all day – let’s get active!