Radhika in Year 1 has always been very passionate about the environment, and even more so since she was selected as the Eco Rep for her class. With her teachers’ encouragement, she has developed further curiosity about the challenges that face our planet and what she can do to help. She knows that even though she is small, she can make a big difference and she loves to follow environmental heroes like David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg.

Radhika was awarded a Blue Peter Green Badge for the various things she has done to help the planet, and particularly the Eco Suggestion box she made for her classroom, believing that everyone in her class can help with their lovely suggestions. She continues to identify opportunities to save the environment in her day to day life including rummaging through her family’s recycling boxes to make a number of wonderful things, such as an eco friendly ginormous book prop for World Book Day made from a recycled cardboard box instead of a shop bought costume!